
  • Gakkenが『古典ことば選び辞典』の電子書籍版をリリース
  • 古典の雰囲気を表現したい創作者や日本語の美しさを楽しみたい人におすすめ
  • 古典の雰囲気を出すための言葉が厳選され、キーワードごとにまとめられている

Gakken, a subsidiary of Gakken Holdings, has released the electronic version of the “Classical Word Selection Dictionary” on December 27, 2023. This dictionary is recommended for creators who want to express the atmosphere of classical literature and for those who enjoy the beauty of the Japanese language. It carefully selects words that evoke the ambiance of classical literature and organizes them by keywords. While printed media is convenient for encountering new words and practicing creative writing, electronic books are convenient for use on the go and for searching specific words. Master it freely and immerse yourself in the world of classical literature during the year-end and New Year holidays.

引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000005726.000002535.html


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