- Gakkenが2024年2月10日に電子書籍『おすしかめんサーモン しりとりかい人ふたたび!海ていめいろピラミッド』を配信
- 低学年向けの読み物で、なぞなぞや間違い探し、ダジャレ、パズル、迷路などの「あそび」をテーマにしている
- 主人公とヒロインが海底ピラミッドの特殊な迷路に立ち向かうストーリーで、キャラクターやストーリーがユニークで面白い
Gakken, a group company of Gakken Holdings, released the e-book “Osu Shikamen Salmon: Shiritori Kaijin Futatabi! Umi Tei Meiro Pyramid” on February 10, 2024. This series is a reading material for lower grade levels that focuses on “play” such as riddles, spot the difference, puns, puzzles, and mazes. The paper version has been released up to the third volume, and in 2023, short e-book episodes were also distributed. In this episode, the maze elements are even more enjoyable. The protagonist, Osu Shikamen Salmon, and the heroine, Macky, infiltrate the underwater pyramid to chase after the mysterious villain, Shiritorikku, and face a special maze. The text also includes a “hidden maze”. The characters and story are unique and entertaining, with plenty of elements of “play” such as mazes and puzzle quizzes. Additionally, the manga site “Gakkomi” also distributes 4-panel comics and reading materials of “Osu Shikamen Salmon”.

- 製品名
- おすしかめんサーモン
- 会社
- Gakken
引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000005871.000002535.html