- Gakkenが『超難問ナンプレ&頭脳全開数理パズル』34月号を発売
- 数理パズルファンに人気の雑誌で、超ハイレベルな問題を収録
- 特大ジャンボパズルや懸賞問題も掲載、豪華賞品が当たるチャンスも
- 定期購読開始で「ノック式半永久鉛筆」が特典としてプレゼント
- キャンペーンは2024年5月31日まで実施
- 隔月発刊で唯一の専門誌、幅広い問題や豪華賞品が魅力
- WEBサイトから手軽に懸賞応募も可能
Gakken, a subsidiary of Gakken Holdings, released the April-May issue of “Super Challenging Sudoku & Mind-Bending Mathematical Puzzles” on February 2, 2024. This magazine is popular among mathematical puzzle enthusiasts and features extremely difficult problems in every issue. The current issue includes oversized jumbo puzzles and contest problems, offering a chance to win luxurious prizes. Moreover, starting a subscription comes with a bonus gift of a “Knock-style Semi-permanent Pencil,” available until May 31, 2024. “Super Challenging Sudoku & Mind-Bending Mathematical Puzzles” is a bimonthly publication and the only specialized magazine for mathematical puzzle fans. With a wide range of problems and attractive prizes, it is also possible to conveniently enter contests through the website.

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引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000005855.000002535.html