【新発売】「書写毛筆動画」が公開! 『新レインボー小学国語辞典 改訂第7版』『新レインボー小学漢字辞典 改訂第6版新装版』のデジタル特典! 第1弾!

  • Gakkenが『新レインボー小学国語辞典 改訂第7版』『新レインボー小学漢字辞典 改訂第6版新装版』のデジタル特典「書写毛筆動画」を公開
  • 動画は筆の使い方や動かし方、速度を解説
  • 1,118本の学習漢字やひらがな、カタカナの動画を公開予定

Gakken, a subsidiary of Gakken Holdings, has released the first installment of the digital bonus “Shosha Calligraphy Videos” for the “New Rainbow Elementary School Japanese Dictionary Revised 7th Edition” and the “New Rainbow Elementary School Kanji Dictionary Revised 6th Edition Deluxe Edition” on December 7, 2023. These videos provide clear explanations on how to use and move the brush, as well as the correct speed, in order to write beautifully and accurately. This bonus includes an unprecedented number of videos, with plans to release a total of 1,118 videos covering learning kanji, hiragana, katakana, and more. By watching these videos, students can prepare for and review their calligraphy lessons, understand how to use and move the brush, and learn to write kanji and kana beautifully and accurately. To watch the videos, customers need to purchase the dictionaries and follow the instructions in the included “Digital Bonus Guide” to access the viewing page on their smartphones or tablets. The dictionaries also provide detailed explanations of the meanings and usage of kanji, and come with additional bonuses such as the “Mini Kanji Dictionary” at the end of the book and a separate “Kanji Poster”. The “New Rainbow Elementary School Japanese Dictionary” and the “New Rainbow Elementary School Kanji Dictionary” are printed in full color for easy readability, and all kanji are accompanied by furigana. Furthermore, customers can choose between a compact version for convenient use at school or cram school, and a wide version with larger characters for home use.

新レインボー小学国語辞典 改訂第7版、新レインボー小学漢字辞典 改訂第6版新装版
引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000005730.000002535.html


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