- Tribered Oyが『Moomin Move』をリリース
- 実際に歩いてムーミンのキャラクターに出会ったり宝箱を探せる
- ムーミン谷のデコレーションやキャラクターのストーリーも楽しめる
- ムーミンのキャラクターと友達になったりペットのお世話ができる
- 協力プレイやムーミン谷の装飾も可能
- ムーミンファンやゲーム好きに魅力的なウォーキングゲーム
- 詳細は公式サイトで確認可能
Tribered Oy, a Finnish company, has officially released the location-based game app “Moomin Move”. This game allows players to encounter Moomin characters and search for treasure chests by actually walking. Additionally, the game features Moomin Valley decoration and character story functions, making it even more enjoyable. Players can become friends with Moomin characters, take care of pets, and explore Moomin Valley. They can also collaborate with other players to complete quests and decorate Moomin Valley to their liking. Moomin Move is an appealing walking game for Moomin fans and game enthusiasts. For more details, please visit the official website.

- 製品名
- Moomin Move
- 会社
- Tribered Oy
引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000004.000108752.html