- Gakkenが刀剣乱舞ONLINEのことば選び辞典を発売
- 古典の雰囲気を出すことばを収録
- 雅な表現をしたい人におすすめ
- 刀剣乱舞ONLINEとのコラボ実現
- 三日月宗近が表紙を飾る
- 初回限定で始まりの五振りが同梱
- 古典の世界を堪能したい人にぴったり
- 内容は『古典ことば選び辞典』と同じ
Gakken, a subsidiary of Gakken Holdings, released the “Koten Kotoba Erabi Jiten: Mikazuki Munechika Volume” for the game “Touken Ranbu ONLINE” on July 13, 2023. This dictionary carefully selects words that can create a classical atmosphere and is recommended for those who want to express themselves in an elegant manner. Additionally, it features a collaboration with “Touken Ranbu ONLINE” and showcases Mikazuki Munechika on the cover. The limited first edition includes a set of five starting swords, creating a buzz. This dictionary is perfect for those who want to immerse themselves in the world of classical literature, and its content, including the words and example sentences, is the same as the original “Koten Kotoba Erabi Jiten.”

- サービス
- 刀剣乱舞ONLINE
- 商品名
- 古典ことば選び辞典 三日月宗近の巻
- 会社
- 学研ホールディングス、Gakken
- 人物
- 三日月宗近
引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000005234.000002535.html