- Wemade Connectがアビスリウムの7周年イベントを開催
- 7月4日から7月31日まで開催
- テーマは仮面舞踏会で海が舞踏会場に変身
- 56種類の仮面舞踏会のテーマの魚が登場
- 特別クエストで7周年限定アイテムを獲得
- 新コンテンツ「願いのケーキ」でスキルやアイテムを獲得
- 記念パーティータンクやログインイベント、ガチャも用意
- Wemade Connectは今後もコンテンツやサービスを拡大予定
Wemade Connect has announced a grand event to celebrate the 7th anniversary of the mobile game “Abyssrium”. From the update on July 4th until July 31st, players can enjoy various themes and items during the event. The theme of the event is a masquerade ball, where the sea transforms into a ballroom and 56 different fish with masquerade ball themes make their appearance. Special quests are also available, and clearing them will reward players with exclusive 7th anniversary items. Additionally, a new content called “Wish Cake” is introduced, allowing players to acquire skills and items. Furthermore, commemorative party tanks, login events, and gachas are prepared as part of the festivities. Wemade Connect plans to continue expanding its range of content and services in the future.

- 製品名
- アビスリウム
- 会社
- Wemade Connect
- ジャンル
- 7周年、イベント
- 商品名
- 限定アイテム
引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000002.000122333.html