3DCGを活用したイベントテックサービス「Future Event」、ゲームアプリ向けに「イベント会場機能」を追加

  • ゲームアプリ向けのイベント会場機能を開発
  • 休眠ユーザーの復帰率が約200%向上
  • ゲーム内活動の活性化を実現
  • ユーザー同士のコミュニケーションブースやグリーティングブースを設置
  • 参加型の体験を提供
  • 高精細な3DCGで作られたバーチャル会場
  • Twitter投稿連携機能やリアクション機能を活用
  • 参加ユーザーの体験価値を向上
  • クリエイティブテクノロジーの活用を追究
  • 企業のマーケティング効果最大化に貢献

CyberHuman Productions has developed an event venue feature for game apps. By utilizing this feature, the reactivation rate of dormant users has increased by approximately 200% compared to last year, resulting in the revitalization of in-game activities. Traditional fan events and live streams have faced challenges in reaching dormant users, but the new event venue feature addresses this issue by providing interactive experiences such as communication booths and character greeting booths, which encourage the reactivation of dormant users. Additionally, the use of high-definition 3D CG virtual venues, Twitter integration, and reaction features can enhance the experiential value for participating users. Moving forward, CyberHuman Productions will continue to explore the use of creative technology to contribute to maximizing marketing effectiveness for businesses.

Future Event、イベント会場機能
CyberHuman Productions

引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000000033.000055960.html


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