- Gakkenが2024年2月16日に『学研のえほんずかん ねこのずかん 家ねこと野生ねこ』を発売
- 子どもも大人も楽しめるねこのひみつが満載
- ねこの毛色や模様、野生のネコ科動物との比較など、興味深い情報が盛りだくさん
Gakken, a subsidiary of Gakken Holdings, released “Gakken’s Picture Book Encyclopedia: Cats – Domestic and Wild” on February 16, 2024. This book is filled with fascinating secrets about cats that both children and adults can enjoy. It contains a wealth of interesting information, such as cat fur colors and patterns, as well as comparisons with wild members of the feline family. With over 200 hand-drawn realistic illustrations, readers can truly appreciate the charm of cats. Furthermore, the book offers insights into cat ecology, popular cat breeds, and even cat emotions. The book was supervised by renowned zoologist Dr. Tadaaki Imaizumi, with illustrations by Ochopi-san. It is highly recommended for cat owners and cat enthusiasts alike.

- 製品名
- ねこのずかん 家ねこと野生ねこ
- 会社
- 学研ホールディングス、Gakken
- サービス
- 学研のえほんずかん
- 人物
- 今泉忠明、おちょぴさん
引用元: https://prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p/000005895.000002535.html